Wednesday, November 3, 2010

hmm... interesting...

i accidentally read an article about climate change. well, what so interesting about it? today even elementary student have heard and know what is climate change.

the interesting part is, this 'climax change' is not happening on The Earth, but in the outer space! i don't know about u guys but honestly said, it never came to my mind that it also happen in outer space!
(god know how i miss my astronomy lecture at this very moment~~)

so, climate change in outer space, huh??
hurm... as far as i remember and understand, the astronomer found that the temperature of the universe, if i not mistaken, at 1/10 of the age of the universe was 8000 degree celcius. the temperature at 1/4 of the universe's age however was around 12000 degree cekcius. by comparing both temperature, we can see clearly that the temperature was increasing. that why, it was called the space's climate change...

ni la contoh gas cloud.. yg nie special sikit sbb gas cloud nie aka interstellar cloud nie ad la sikit2 kaitan ngan 2012~~!! laen post kite berbicare pasal nie huhuhuuu

how the astronomers managed to find the temperature of the universe at a particular time? well, it still confusing for me myself. i will try to understand and talk about it later on...

okay.. so, how this possible??
dont really know where to start~~ hahahaaa...
basically, at the early age of the universe, the most common thing that spread out all over the universe was only a thin layer of gas. stars and galaxies were very rare if there were any at this particular time.
to know why the temperature increase, let us see the condition of the universe at few millions or maybe billions years later..
the universe at this time seem to consist of lot of stars and galaxies. so, how these affect the temperature?
the astronomers believe that it because of quasars. quasar is a massive black hole which accreting at the center of a galaxy. quasar emits UV light and it triggered a reaction in the gas cloud causing the temperature to rise.

at the early age of the universe, stars and galaxies were rare. so less uv light produce. why? easy, less galaxies mean that less quasars exist, so less UV light produced. =)
compare to the time where the universe was full of stars and galaxies, quasars were quite common. this mean that the amount of UV light produced was way higher than before.

ni plak contoh quasar.. nmpk x sinaran yg kuar perpendicularly tue? itu astronomers panggil jet. satu jet kuar ikot atas, satu lagi kuar ikot bawah. lebey kurang ngan pulsars, cume bezanya pulsar kuar jet n berputar. pulsars ni star sbenarnyer, lebey tepat lg neutron star yg emits radio wave.

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